Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life without ale

You may have came here from mkmarathon.co.uk. You can read my latest blog update here: http://waddyranger.blogspot.com, or you can see different blog updates on the links on the right hand side of this page. This blog is updated every week to two weeks with my own experience of the following:
  • Training approaches
  • Running tech
  • Running books
  • Running nutrition
While here, you are welcome to comment on any of these updates. Please share anything that you have found during your training that has worked for you.

I hope you enjoy my blog!

Blog starts:

This one will be about nutrition, no don't stop reading!

I have always enjoyed being active - but eating carefully has never been on my priority list. If you do exercise you can eat what you want right? All that running around will burn off calories, so eat all the pies you want and drink all the beers that you feel like and all will be ok right? Well, maybe not.

If you wander to a dark corner of Tescos you might find the 'exercise' isle. In this isle will usually be celebrity endorsed exercise equipment - mostly held together by rubber and cheap plastic, but if you look closer you will see a variety of huge tubs of powders and pills. I have spent a little time here trying to understand what all these tubs can help you with, they usually have macho sounding names such as: PowerMAX, GR-XVT & BIGUS DICKUS (ok I made the last one up). On the back of the tubs is an array of complex information promising exceptional results such as: 'muscle growth' or 'added power', or 'fat loss'. The information is generally portrayed in graphical form to give it the added credibility - clearly the marketing teams at these companies are paid lots of money to blind the unsuspecting pretend athlete (ie. me) into forking out 30 pounds for powder.

The powders I have used are either protein based - for recovery, or carboydrate based to keep me going through an hour long aerobic exercise session. The powders I am using are pictured here, note that the 'PowerBar' has more protein per portion than the 'Nutri1st Advanced', but is cheaper, at least in Tescos. I don't know what that means but generally if you look for around 27g of protein per 30g portion of powder that's good I think. Usually these tubs mention amino chains or something or other complicated sounding, but my rule of thumb is stick to the powder that packs the most protein punch.

As I have stated, I am in the wind down phase of my current lard boy diet, probably preparing for a horrible existence in the new year of eating muesli and celery. Oh god.

I am cutting down on chocolate, biscuits, beer, chips, pies (no not the pies, I love pie!) and am trying to eat more smoothies, fruit and veg. Its probably best to do this gradually rather than everything at once. Let's see. For evidence of my cutting down, I only have to check my recycle bin. It was emptied last weekend, that means one London Pride Ale and one Grolsch in 10 days (picture below, I know I could have emptied the bin before taking the picture, but you can trust me :)):

On another note, I have been listening to the following on my ipod this week whilst struggling with weights and skipping: 'Neon Indian - Era Extrana' and 'New Order - Power, Corruption and Lies'. You can listen to these here:

New Order: http://subscription.we7.com/#/album/New-Order/Power-Corruption-And-Lies
Neon Indian: http://subscription.we7.com/#/album/Neon-Indian/Era-Extrana


Unknown said...

I must have strange ears as my earphones always pop out at the slightest of physical exertion. Maybe I need a big John McEnroe sweat band to help hold them in place.

waddyranger said...

Hey Colin, try these cans. I have a reasonable pair of jug ears myself that I am proud of, but as these cover my whole ears there is no problem with earbuds constantly popping out:
