Sunday, November 13, 2011

Americans with odd sounding names

Last week I discussed SCUBA diving, this week I will turn this blog's attention to a marathon that I will be training for in mid 2012. I am at the start of that journey.

Frankly, at the moment, the thought of running my 6ft and near 14 stone frame for 26.2 miles continuously is sobering. So how will it be done? I have a number of items that I think will help me get there, and only some of them involve running. I have also been working to create some space in my garden for a gym. Anyone that lives in the UK knows that you don't go in the garden from November until May as its dark and wet on this island, so why not make use of that space? The tools I have for now are:

My bicycle - Margo (she is my friend - always reliable)
Free weights
Push up bars
Incline sit up bench
1 Kettle bell (7.5Kg)
Skipping rope
A monthly pass to a local 25m swimming pool
Nike free running shoes
Saucony ProGrid running shoes

I have also been reading a few running and cycling books to help me understand how I am going to accomplish this task. I expect I will add and swop out a few of these tools as I learn more about the art of training for a marathon. Another point to make here is any search for examples of good exercise form for 'strength training exercise' or 'kettlebell exercise' on google will inevitably lead you to a video of an oddly named American called Chip, Chuck or Larry dressed in a bandanna and lycra. Frightening stuff! There are many fads out there - clearly a challenge here is to sort the wheat from the chaff. undoubtedly, marathon training is an art - what will work for me may not work for others, but I will document my progress here anyway.

My ipod helps to get me through this training, it helps me get into a frame of mind for working out on cold mornings and as an aid to motivation. I will also share what I am listening to as I train. This week I have been listening to Matthew Dear's 'Black City' and Peter Gabriel's 'New Blood'. In Peter Gabriel's 'New Blood', many of the songs are about change and fear in the face of change, but as anyone who is familiar with Peter Gabriel's music will know, his characters mostly manage to face up to the challenge and succeed in the face of adversity. And on that positive note, I will leave it there for this week!

You can hear Matthew Dear here:
You can hear Peter Gabriel here:

I have uploaded a few photos from where I have been cycling Margo around North Buckinghamshire. It really is lovely here in North Bucks, I am sure you will agree!

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