Monday, November 28, 2011

Running like Robocop

This blog update will be about technology, and what I have found so far that works for me. Please comment below if you have found anything useful and share it! A fellow runner recommended the book 'Chirunning' by Danny Dreyer on this blog last week, and I have put some comments about it below. I am already half way through the book and am enjoying it greatly! Please share any of your experiences, I am just finding my way through this experience and any advice or tips that you have would be great. They might also help someone else who stumbles across this blog!

Now, I love technology, and there is a fair amount of decent tech out there that can help with your running. I don't want to give an impression that I am running around looking like Robocop, but I use the following gadgets and tech:

  • Garmin Forerunner 205
  • - GPS data and PBs are stored here of all my running/cycling since I bought the Garmin device back in May 2011
  • Google Docs - I keep a journal of my training, just started this (link below, I have shared this online)
  • High vis jackets
  • Ronhill velcro lights flashing red for any traffic, its very dark around here
  • Head torch so I dont run into trees at night!
  • Kettlebell - now I don't run with these (obviously :)) and am just getting used to them, but so far they are amazing. They are really working well for me, I will write about those another day
My training diary is here:

The Garmin GPS watch is the device that has helped me understand where my pace has dipped on a run, and where my pace can be improved. The GPS watch helped get me out of a running rut, but tech alone may not help me accomplish my goal of completing the MK marathon next April.

According to the philosophy of chirunning, running to a time target alone doesn't help you improve your running form. If you focus on time alone, you are unlikely to correct those inefficiencies in your running style that may contribute to injuries. So, the idea goes - get your form right and build pace from there. Around 70% of runners get injured every year according to the chirunning book - form is especially important if you are piling on the miles. I am currently laid up with a sore achilles tendon, therefore I have learned this week that I may have to focus on my running form first and let the pace come in later on. Chirunning appears like common sense to me, I would recommend that you read Danny Dyer's book.  If you type 'chirunning' into, there are also many demonstrations of efficient running techniques, although some of these may be questionable.

As this blog on the internet, I should probably say that you ought to consult a trained physician before beginning any exercise programme. There you go, don't sue me!

On my ipod this week has been Talk Talk - Colour of Spring and Zola Jesus - Conatus. Talk Talk's song 'Life's what you make it' is a chirunning call to arms (at least that's my interpretation :))! So if you really want to improve your running, get on with it, and don't worry about that rut that you may have been in, just get on with it and experiment - have fun. Oh and use technology, any excuse to buy more gadgets.

You can listen to colour of spring here, please do, really you won't regret it:

Zola Jesus can be listened to here:

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