Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reflection on the last 4 months

I have decided that I am not able to enter the MK Marathon this year, or indeed the Marlow Half Marathon that I had booked for the end of March.

I have been plagued with an achilles strain for the last few months and unfortunately this has prevented me from doing any serious running. By now, I should be building up to 20 miles a week of varying intensity - I am no where near that. As the MK marathon is now only 8 weeks or so away, I have run out of time. Over the last 4 months, I have lifted weights, been swimming and biking, so I believe my all round understanding of fitness has improved.

Although the MK marathon was always my end goal, I believe that I have had a reasonable attempt at my objectives. These objectives were never made explicit in this blog, but they may be:

  • Improve my understanding of fitness and how to change my lifestyle to ensure I don't put weight back on
  • Build fitness into my daily routine, so it doesn't become a chore, it just becomes something I do to help me reflect on my day to day work
  • Enjoy long distance biking, swimming or other activities, otherwise what's the point
My goal hasn't been achieved (for now), but I believe that I have achieved my objectives. There will be other marathons to train for. I aim to continue to learn and improve my understanding of what it takes to complete a marathon. Once this achilles strain improves, I will restart my training and run a marathon.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog!